Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Breast Augmentation in Orange County

Breast augmentation procedures are common procedures that are used to enhance the shape, size, and or appearance of the breast. Either saline or silicone implants can produce excellent results. When patients are petite and wish to undergo a large volume enhancement, I traditionally encourage patients to use the higher profile implant. It is important for patients to know that the profile of the implant does not indicate where on the chest wall the implant is positioned. It is simply the way the volume of the implant is packaged.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Revision Breast Augmentation for Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture can occur after breast augmentation. Capsular contracture surgery involves either removing or opening the scar tissue or capsule that develops in the breast pocket. Once the scar tissue is released, symptoms of scar or tightening tend to improve shortly after. Capsular contracture surgery can involve change in plant of the implant placement and/or release of the scar tissue surrounding the breast implant.

Breast Augmentation-Orange County California

Breast augmentation procedures are best sized by determining the base diameter of the breast. The base diameter of the breast is the distance between two points on the chest wall, one point where the breast begins medially and the other point where the breast ends laterally on the chest.

Once the patient has determined the size implant they would like, then we choose an implant profile. The profile of the implant determines how the implant proportions are designed. Patients often believe that the profile of the implant is where on the chest wall the implant will end up. This is not true. The profile of the implant determines how the implant is proportioned. High profile implants have the narrowest base diameter with the most projection while the others have smaller degrees of projection and a wider base diameter.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Breast Augmentation in Orange County

Breast augmentation procedures are common procedures in southern California. I typically tell patients that silicone breast implants can be placed through one of three incisions. They can be placed through the axilla, through the breast crease, or through the areola. The breast crease is a nice option for an incision as it keeps a visible scar of the breast and transfers it to the crease. It is important for patients to wear a sports bra for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery to allow appropriate healing.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Breast Augmentation in Orange County

Breast Augmentation procedures are common in the spring and summer months. Patients often ask me what they can expect during a breast augmentation procedure. The breast augmentation procedure is performed under a general anesthetic. I tell patients that this means that they will not see anything, they will not hear anything, and they will not feel any pain during the procedure.

When they wake up from surgery, they will have an ACE bandage around their chest. The ACE bandage or wrap around their chest in addition to the implant creates a tight pressure around the chest. The wrap is removed the following day after surgery and the patient is placed in a sports bra. The sports bra needs to be worn for 4-6 weeks post-operatively to heal appropriately from surgery.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation procedures are common in Orange County and Los Angeles, California. Patients can choose between either saline breast implants or silicone breast implants. Either type of implant can produce a great result. I tell patients that the breast implant can be placed via a peri-aroelar incision, an inframammary crease incision, or through the armpit. The recovery for each one tends to be about the same. It is required that patients wear a sports bra for 4-6 weeks following surgery to allow for appropriate healing.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Breast Augmentation and the Periareolar approach. The dimensions of the areola.

Breast augmentation procedures are common. Patients often choose to undergo breast augmentation via the periareolar approach. Patients often ask, "if I have implants placed, will this cause my areola to become wide?" Depending on the size of the implant placed, there are different forces exerted on the skin that cause the skin to stretch. The diameter of the areola may increase but it is usually not significant or it is in proportion with the increase in the breast size.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tuberous Breast Deformity-Breast Augmentation

Tuberous breast deformity is best corrected with a breast augmentation procedure via a peri-areolar approach. The tuberous breast has a typical constellation of features. The breast base is usually restricted. The areola is wide and there is often a herniation of breast tissue through the areola.  The breast is often hypoplastic to various degrees.

The periareolar approach tends to be best for correcting this deformity as the areolar incision allows greatest range to score and release the constricting fibers and also allows appropriate correction of the fold levels. In patients who are thin, I prefer silicone gel prosthesis as there is often less rippling. Saline reconstruction is perfectly fine as well.

Breast Augmentation. Peri-Areolar Incision

Patients often ask where the periareolar incision will be placed and what the scar will look like. I tell all patients that everyone will have a scar, but how visible the scar is depends on several factors. The periareolar incision is typically placed on the inferior (bottom) half of the areola. The areola tends to be a relatively privileged area for scarring. That is, it is rare for keloid scars to develop on the areolar skin. 

For the first three weeks after surgery, steri-strips are placed on the incision. After three weeks, the steri-strips are removed. At that point I tell patients that they can place lotion on the incisions provided it is the same lotion they use on the rest of their body skin. Patients should not use Vitamin E cream, capsules, etc. on their incisions. After six weeks, if the incisions show signs of a thick or hypertrophic scar, patients can use silicone gel sheeting to flatten out the scar.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Breast Augmentation Orange County

Breast augmentation is a common procedure in Orange County and Los Angeles California. Breast augmentation with either silicone or saline implants is common in the spring and summer months.

Patients often wish to undergo breast augmentation in the spring so that they are ready to go in their bikini or strapless dress in the summer. Complete breast augmentation healing takes several weeks to months.

Patients that choose to undergo augmentation procedure that is a right size and fit for their body, tend to get a great longevity to their augmentation.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation procedures are common procedures. There are three incision choices that patients can choose from to augment the breast. The breast implant can be placed through the nipple areola complex, the breast implant can be placed through the inframammary crease, or the implant can be placed through the axillae.

If the patient does not have a well-defined crease to begin with, then I find it better to place the implant via the areola. The areolar incision allows the implant to be centered on the nipple areola complex. The areolar incision can cause hypersensitivity of the nipple areola complex that usually resolves within 4 to 6 weeks.

Breast Augmentation in Orange County

Breast Augmentation is a popular procedure in Orange County California. Patients who wish to undergo breast augmentation, often wish to increase the size of their breasts to help to fill up the volume of their bra, bikini, or strapless dress.

When choosing an implant, it is important to determine the base diameter of the chest wall to determine the band size of the patient, it is important to measure the breast size of the patient to help determine the cup size, and then have the patients try on sizers to help determine the final breast size that they want.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is very common after patients have children. Patients often indicate that they have difficulty filling clothes that they wear such as strapless dresses and/ or bathing suits. After women breastfeed and or return to the gym, the breast volume can decrease significantly. Placing a silicone gel implant can improve the contour of the chest and create a more aesthetically pleasing look.

High Profile Silicone Gel Implant Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation with high profile silicone gel implants is common. Typically, the size of implant that is placed is determined by measuring the base width of the breast. Once the base width of the breast is determined, the size range of implants that can be used is approximated. When patients want to "upsize" their implants, we determine the base width of the implant previously placed. If patients want significantly more volume, then a higher implant profile can be selected.

The photographs shown above depict a change in implant volume from 350 smooth round moderate plus profile to 600 cc sooth round high profile silicone gel implant.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Endoscopic Transaxillary Breast Augmentation

Endoscopic transaxillary breast augmentation is a common procedure. Patients who choose to undergo axillary breast augmentation prefer to keep the incision off of the chest wall or areola. The scar in the armpit or axillary region tends to heal quite well. The incision will be red for a while, but then it will fade. Scars tend to be red for 12 to 18 months before they begin to fade.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Peri-Areolar Scars for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation scars tend to improve over time. At six months the scars tend to soften. In general, the periareolar scar is kept within the areolar skin which heals well.

There are four primary access points for breast augmentation. The areola, the infra-mammary crease, the axillae, and the umbilicus (belly button).

At six months the areola scars begin to soften and continue to soften for 12 to 18 months post-surgery.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common procedure among fitness models and athletes.  Breast augmentation can help maintain the breast volume while the remaining body parts are becoming lean. It is very common for fitness models to lose breast volume while undergoing training.

Silicone implants for breast augmentation can be placed through several incisions. The implants can be placed through the axilla (transaxillary), periareolar, or inframammary. In patients who have a defined breast crease, the inframammary incision is acceptable. In patients with relatively symmetric breasts, then transaxillary is appropriate. Periareolar tends to be the more common method of silicone breast augmentation in our practice followed by transaxillary.