Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentations with silicone gel mammary prosthesis are frequently performed in the winter months over the holidays. Patients frequently choose to recover from surgery when they have time off from work or from school.

I typically tell patients to rest for 4-6 weeks before resuming strenuous physical activity or contact sports. Having this time coincide with the holiday season is always helpful for recovery.

Breast Augmentation for Tuberous Breast Deformity

Breast augmentation is an excellent option for the correction of a tuberous breast deformity. Tuberous breast deformity is usually classified as having the following characteristics:

1.       A widened, enlarged, puffy areola

2.       Widely spaced breasts

3.       Minimal breast tissue

4.       A high inframammary fold

5.       A narrow breast base

Silicone gel mammary prosthesis are very helpful for correcting the volume associated with tuberous breasts, narrowing the width between the breasts, increasing the breast bases, and in lowering the inframammary fold.